4-H Youth Development

Welcome To Kearny County 4-H

4-H is open to all youth ages 7-19. We offer a variety of projects including Foods and Nutrition, Quilting, Photography, Rocketry, Livestock and much more. We, also, have non-competitive Cloverbuds, ages 5 to 6. Cloverbuds have the opportunity to participate in 4-H as they observe their siblings model and practice 4-H events.

clover imageIn Kearny County we are proud to offer four community clubs. They are Chantilly 4-H Club, People Pleasers 4-H Club, the Prairie View 4-H Club and The New 4-H Club. For even more information about our youth development program, visit our Kansas State 4-H Office website.

4-H is a community of young people across Kansas engaged in learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Caring adults that support our programs are essential for youth to achieve their potential based on the guidance, respect, skills, knowledge and wisdom adults can share. 4-H is a nationwide program.

Join 4-H

For more information about the Kearny County 4-H and Youth Development program contact the Kearny County Extension office at (620) 355-6551 or stop at the office at 100 E. Prairie Ave., Lakin, KS. You may also email Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Jessica Sharp at jessicasharp213@ksu.edu or Office Professional, Lisa Bolmer at lbolmer@ksu.edu.


Kids Clover Newsletter 1

Kids Clover Newsletter 2

Kids Clover Newsletter 3

Kids Clover Newsletter 4

Presentation Tip Sheets

Presentation Overview

Presentation Brainstorming

Presentation Tips

Talk Planning Form

Project Talks

Project Score Sheet

Public Speaking

Public Speaking Score Sheet

Illustration Talks

Using Visual Aids


Demonstration and Illustrated Talk Score Sheet

Regional Club Day Guidelines