Farm Management
The website is a comprehensive source of information, analysis and decision-making tools for agricultural producers, agribusinesses and other agricultural managers, providing information from the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University.
With more than 50,000 monthly visits, is one of the most widely used university-sponsored websites for applied research and economic outreach information.
There is plenty of information on AgManager on how to protet your farm and your assets into the future. If you need any help accessing a document or finding information, do not hesitate to call the extension office with questions.
Another good resource is the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE). Their website offers resources on water, irrigation, livestock managment, perscribed buring, and waste management.
Farm Business and Transition Planning
Farm Profitabilty Resource Page
Farm and Ranch Strategic Planning (Visioning and Goal Setting) MF-2695.pdf
Kansas Land Prices and Cash Rental Rates MF-1100.pdf
Livestock Management
Non-Confined Beef Cattle Feeding Sites
Using Geotextiles for Feeding and Traffic Surfaces
KDHE Livestock Waste Management brochure