Grazing and Pasture Management
Rangeland and forages make up about 40% of the land in Kansas. These resources support a substantial livestock industry consisting primarily of beef cattle, but also including dairy, sheep, goats, and horses. In addition to grazing, rangeland and forages are important for wildlife habitat, water quality, recreation, and open space. The range and forage extension program emphasizes brush and weed control, prescribed burning, management of invasive species, range and pasture management, grassland water quality, forage production and utilization, alternative forages, and utilization of crop residues.
Wheat Grazing
Wheat Pastures in Kansas (PDF)
Wheat Variety Date of First Hollow Stem and Fall Forage Yield (PDF)
Grazing Management: Toxic Plants MF3234 (2016)
Native Hay Meadow Management MF-1042.pdf
Prussic Acid Poisoning MF3040 (2012)
Summer Annual Forages: Selection and Production Characteristics MF-2871.pdf
Nontraditional Forages as Emergency or Supplemental Feedstuffs MF-2872.pdf
Beef Cow-Calf Management Options When Pasture is Limited MF3114.pdf
Beef Cow Nutrition Guide C735.pdf
Grazing Distribution MF-515.pdf
Stocker Cattle Management and Nutrition C-723.pdf
Rangeland Brush Management MF-1021.pdf
Rangeland Weed Mangement MF-1020.pdf
Sericea Lespedeza: History, Characteristics, and Identification MF-2408.pdf
Chemical Weed control for Field Cops, Pastures, Rangeland, and Noncropland